The R Family| Sunset Beach Family Photos | Kennebunk Maine Family Photographer

It is always such a wonderful feeling being able to capture families on their vacations to Maine. So many people who live in different locations who have spent summers in Maine hold it close to their hearts and call it their second home. This beautiful family came to Kennebunk for their summer vacation from different locations around the US so it is even slightly more special to capture this moment in time, that these two adorable 4 year old twins will be able to reflect on their fun adventures in Maine with their family. Thank you for asking me to tag along with you on one evening of your stay here in Maine, and be sure to come back!!


Love & Joy!


5 things to do with your family when vacationing to Kennebunk.

1.)  The Ramp ( a cool kid friend restaurant, which will give you harbor vibes, along with a cool buoy wall. )

2.)  Visit the Seashore Trolley Museum

3.) Drive Ocean Avenue

4.) Take a pic in front of the Wedding Cake House

5.) Hop on a trolley and look at all of the cute shops downtown!

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