June| 365 Project | Maine Family Photographer

I can’t believe June has come and gone! It was one of the busiest months for me. I had 3 amazing weddings, closed up a classroom and said goodbye to some beloved co-workers and amazing students. Had some family adventures along with capturing some beautiful family photographs for families vacationing here in Maine.
In June some of the highlights were… our son graduating from preschool and learning to ride his bike at his best friends house. Turning 34, three camping excursions one at Winslow Park in our camper Ethel (who is available to rent for family glamping), one in our backyard and one island adventure in tents. A trip to Acadia National Park with my mom.
Our bunnies had bunnies, our veggie and flower gardens are growing and amazing us every day. Our pup Olive is always down for whatever and is a fairly independent pup. Our goats make us giggle and our hens make us eggs. Our skiff has brought us out to the water and broke, but we fixed it again 🙂

Every day I am grateful for this wild homestead that always keeps us busy, for education, for a break from school, for photography, for clients and most of all for our beloved family and friends who help us out daily. So hello Summer! You are always short but always amazing.

Love & Joy!


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