I have been on a journey trying to find a balance in life as a mother to two toddlers, taking care of myself, owning a photography business, and my passion for special education. I have big dreams of starting a small company in one way, shape, or form to raise awareness and work with individuals with...
FabiolaSiobhan- how beautifully you captured Nolan and his family! I could feel his spunk for life and these images will truly mean the world to him and his family! Keep making the world a better place by sharing these beautiful young people and their zest for life! Such a simple basis for a post that can give us a glimpse of someone’s life, making people feel as if they truly get to know the subject! I can’t wait to see who you feature next!!
adminThank you so much for your words of encouragement! He is so spunky and it was an added advantage of mine being able to photograph him as a previous student of mine! I can’t wait for the next one too!
emily delamaterSiobhan! These are beautiful and so moving. Thank you so much for sharing and for generally being such an awesome person. 🙂 I’m so excited to follow you as you continue this project!
adminThanks my dear it means alot coming for you as a photog and a buddy!
Laura BriggsSiobahn, as someone who knows the Dorrance family very well, I’m enchanted by your work and your beautiful portrayal of this very special family. What a wonderful gift you have for capturing the spirit in each of us. Thank you for sharing it with others.
JennFantastic! Beautiful photos!
Nolan was on my daughter Allison’s Special Olympic team over the years and attends skating with him! He is always very quiet when I see him so I laughed and related when you wrote he’ll talk your ear off. I think people would be suprised at how much our loved ones have to say if they get to know them!
The state of adult services is abysmal. I’m glad to see Nolan is able to attend a program and that his parents are able to adjust their schedules to fit his needs. I don’t look optimistically towards Allis future but seeing Nolan doing well gives me hope.
Thank you so much for sharing this.