Making a family official | Maine Adoption Photographer

I had the most incredible experience to witness an adoption of a lovely family, who happen to be best friends of ours for life.It was more of a formality since they have lived and been together for many years. I have been so fortunate to have watch this family grow, from pre dating days, to the dating days, to marriage, to pregnancy and adoption. It is crazy to me how fast time as gone by. Jody (the mom ) put it best. “Sometimes really tough times end in the best case scenario. Today is one of those happy endings, today my husband adopts my daughter and we all get to share the same last name. Raising another man’s daughter is not an easy thing to navigate and I’m so very grateful that these two have found their way as father and daughter. It takes a good man to raise another man’s child but it takes the best kind of man to love another man’s child like his own. Cheers to these two on Adoption Day!” We love you Cassie, you are going to do great things, I can’t believe how much you have turned into a young lady, I still look at you and see the silly two-year old making claims left and right. Now you are a poised young woman who brightens a room when you walk in. Jody you’ve done good raising here. And and cheers to you Mr. Ward for formally becoming a daddy to two wonderful human’s that I love so much, you always amaze me with how much you love you have for your lovely family (including me) and your tender hugs!   And who can forget Polly and John you have helped raised these incredible people, and I always love seeing you.

Congrats to you all.


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