365 self project January 2018 | Maine Family Photographer

This year I’m trying a 365 project. The goal is to take a personal photo every day. It has been harder than it may appear. There are days when I yell “ahh I have to take a photo” but these photos are our every day moments, with no ideal lighting, un- cooperative kids, low winter Maine light, but I love it. I love that I am taking time for documenting my family. I like that my son is getting into it and requested two photos, 1 with his dirt bike and 1 with a mohawk and crazy KISS lights. It is making me work with low light and thinking outside of the box and or being cool with taking a simple photo in a simple every day moment. So I did my first month 31/365. You can follow my photos which I post weekly on my Instagram account or see the month in review here.

This month we had New Years Day, 2 snow days, MLK day, first dance class, a sleep over, and our best ladies birthday.

Love & Joy



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